Monday, April 18, 2011

Final reflection

“For this final post, reflect on the communication/life skills that you have developed in this module, on your interactions in class and via the blogging and on your overall learning. Again, this should be done analytically, with consideration of the 7Cs.”

About the skills
Looking back at the lesson shedule, I was amazed at how much we did in just one semester. We did peer teaching, group research, oral presentation. We learnt how to write cover  letter, resume, business proposal, transmittal letters and blog posts! We also learnt/taught skills related to interviews, surveys, wikis, and many more.
I think I learnt the most through the research project, all the group work and peer evaluation. I had the best group mates and we had a good time working together and talk nonsense/watch youtube together. I am very worried that this is going to be my last group project in NUS.

About blogs and facebook
Although I had been in Singapore for a long time and was rather comfortable with the English environment, English was always only an “acedemic” tool to me. I am not at all active on facebook. I do not own a twitter account. And I never write English blog posts nor comment on my friends’. Through this module, I gradually pick up the habit of expressing myself in English under such voluntary circumstances. I am not sure whether I will continue to blog. But I guess I will definitely be more active on facebook.

About the overall learning
I enjoyed the in-class interaction the most. Brad is a great teacher! Witty and knowledgable.
I said in my first post that “I think these are the types of lessons which I applied to the university for.” Now, I would remove the “I think”. These ARE the types of lessons which I applied to the university for. How I wish all the modules I am going to take will be this fun and meaningful.
However, that is hardly likely to happen as I am only going to take core modules in the following two years. Maybe what I will count on is my one semester in the US. Hopefully the statistics modules are taught in a more interactive way there.

The non-analytical part
I was never very much attached to any of my previous classes, even in JC and secondary school in Singapore. I see myself as an outsider and I accept that position. I wasn’t at all surprised that I am the only one who did not receive any comment at first for the first blog post.
However, at the end of the last tutorial, I felt as if we have spend three years togther in the same classroom taking all the same courses and going the graduation ceremony together.
It has been too long a time for me feel in such a way. I love the class, which includes the teacher, all the classmates, the classroom setting and all the lessons and activities. To me, this is more than just a module. So, thank you Brad, Cynthia, Luqman, Jinq Horng, Vanessa, Gregory, Ahmed, Mark, Hwee Teng, Jake, Stella, Zoe, Chuan Ting and Wellens.
Thank you everyone for making that happen.
Hope everyone of us will have a joyful and fruitful life ahead!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

reflection on oral presentation

This is the first group presentation I had in university. What a life I had!

I think overall, our team worked well together.

The content of the presentation is well-organised and cohesive. The power point was professional looking with minimum amount of words. However, I was wondering whether a bit more key words would help the audience to grasp the main points. From the Q&A session, I had the feeling that my classmates did not quite get the focus of the project very precisely. Of course, I have to say that it is very easy to get focused about the focus. We deviated from the focus now and then throughout the project as well. However, in order to make the proposed solution relevant and feasible, we have to define the problem we want to address in this way. 

The delivery of the whole presentation was well received. Thanks to all the rehearsals and hard work our members put in. I did not perform very well. I was kind of nervous and searching through my mind for the next line at times. Thanks Vanessa for the affirmative eye contact :) Hence I think I should still practice more next time.

Questions during Q&A were answered well. I answered too many of them though, my bad. In addition, we should also rehearse about possible questions as well.
It was a rewarding experience working together with all of you :)